Thursday, November 22, 2012

Episode 2: Sacred Geometry

How artists have dealt with the ideas behind the philosophy of math and the golden rectangle.
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The golden ratio is imagined to be found in nature as well as a number of art objects. This episode of Post-Modern Times looks at the actual correlation between aesthetic preferences and the formula. There have been a number of physiological studies that have tried to understand the why and even if people are attracted to certain ratios.
Though many artist and architects have based their compositions on the the golden ratio, or phi, particularly the golden rectangle, its use seems to have been exaggerated. The same can be said for the relationship between natural objects, such as the Nautilus Shell and the ratio.
Here is an example of the golden ratio being applied to the facade of the Parthenon. Do you think this is a bit of a stretch?
Here it is rather randomly superimposed on the Mona Lisa:
There is no doubt Jay Hambidge used the golden ratio in his work:
Hambidge's book, The Elements of Dynamic Symmetry is a classic work dealing with the subject of mathematical composition.

Other artists that undoubtedly used the ratio include  Le Corbussier, Mondrian, Dali, and many Renaissance painters and architects.

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